One of the fastest growing and most recognized Infrastructure development and mining company

Kaman Global Ltd is one of the fastest growing and most recognized company involved in Infrastructure development and mining in Precious metal gold in Ghana, Accra and West Africa. Since its inception, Kaman Global Ltd has been a pioneer in developing and creating Infrastructure development projects on time by leveraging state-of-art technologies, cutting-edge practices and Mining expertise.

Focused on long-term value creation

Since it was established in 2010, Kaman Global has focused on long-term value creation with an emphasis on core values of integrity, low cost, sustainability and responsible mining. We have made it our mission to deliver superior value through innovation, lower prices and best-in-class services.

Aim to cultivate a high performance culture driven by a deep commitment

At Kaman Global we aim to cultivate a high performance culture driven by a deep commitment to providing unparalleled services grounded in high professional standards and deep industry expertise. We are wedded to the idea that we can provide better services by thinking outside the box and pushing the boundaries of conventional approaches.

An organization with a difference

We are guided by an age-old saying,” Winners don’t do different things. They do things differently”. We are an organization with a difference. To think differently, unconventionally or think disruptively is engrained in our organization’s DNA. We are incorporating that disruptive thinking in a way that can add value to the services. Our team consisting of mining experts and exploration scientists are working to unfold what it is about those efficient mining methods that produces superior returns from mining operations.

Strong and successful track record

Kaman Global’s niche lies in infrastructure development and mining in precious metal and company has a strong and successful track record in Ghana, Accra and west Africa